Conversion Insights Dashboard

The Conversion Insights dashboard shows how your site speed impacts conversion and bounce rates. By default, all metrics represent the past 14 days.

Two Versions of This Dashboard

Yottaa currently offers two versions of the Conversion Insights dashboard, the existing version and a new version with Revenue data.

This topic covers the existing dashboard version. If you see Revenue and Revenue per Session in the first row of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), that means that Revenue Tracking is enabled on your site. See Conversion Insights Dashboard with Revenue Data for more information.

To display the Conversion Insights dashboard, in the main navigation, click Dashboard > Conversion Insights.

If you have the Conversion Zone feature on the Yottaa's Insights Dashboard, you can also access Conversion Insights by clicking the orange arrow next to the Conversion Zone Analysis section title to open the Conversion Insights dashboard.

To change the date range, click .

How Yottaa Tracks Conversions

Yottaa defines a conversion as any time that a customer reaches your order confirmation page.

If you don't see data on the dashboard, confirm the following: 

If Revenue Tracking is enabled for your site but Yottaa is unable to access your site's revenue data, the portal alerts you so that you can review and troubleshoot your Revenue Tracking setup. See Tracking Revenue Data for details.

Known Bot Filter

You have a choice about which traffic data Yottaa includes in the calculation of your site's conversion rate and other conversion insights displayed on the Conversion Insights dashboard. The Known bots drop-down menu lets you select which traffic data to include.

Select one of the following options to choose which site traffic data Yottaa includes in your conversion insights.



Known bots excluded

Excludes data about traffic from known non-malicious bots like Google, Bing, Facebook, Snapchat, Yandex, and others from calculations of your site's conversion rate and other conversion insights. (Default)

Known bots only

Calculates your site's conversion rate and other conversion insights based solely on the data about traffic by known bots, excluding the data for all shopper traffic. Useful to get an idea of how much of the traffic on your site is non-malicious bot traffic.

All traffic

Calculates your site's conversion rate and other conversion insights using data for all the traffic on your site.





Conversion Rate

The rate at which your shoppers' sessionsClosed The period of time when a customer is active on your site. A session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. reach the order confirmation page.



The first number is total sessions. A session is the period of time in which a customer is active on your site. Yottaa sessions time out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

The second number is conversions, or the number of times shoppers' sessions reach the order confirmation page.

Target Zone

The page load time range at which the majority of conversions take place and at which your site's conversion rate is the highest. This number varies across sites.

Bounce Rate

The rate at which sessionsClosed The period of time when a customer is active on your site. A session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. end with only one page view.

Optimized Page Load Time

The average onloadClosed the time it takes for the initial HTML document to load with all stylesheets, images, and subframes. At this point, the page is usually interactive to users. "Onload time" is equal to the high-resolution timestamp returned by the PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd property. time for optimized traffic.

Target Zone Analysis

Note that if optimizations are not yet applied, the dashboard displays a simplified version of the Target Zone without the optimized versus unoptimized comparison. You still see a Target Zone as well as the comparison that shows why it’s important to be in the range.




Optimized Sessions in Conversion Zone

The percent of optimized sessions that fell within the Conversion ZoneClosed The average page load time for which your site's conversion rate is the highest. during the selected period.

A sessionClosed The period of time when a customer is active on your site. A session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. is considered optimized when the first page view of the session is optimized.

Unoptimized Sessions in Conversion Zone

The percent of unoptimized sessions that fell within the Conversion Zone during the selected period.

Yottaa's Impact

The percent difference between optimized and unoptimized sessions in the Conversion Zone.

Conversion Zone Comparison

Compares the following metrics in and out of the target zone: 

Conversion Rate The rate at which your shopper's sessions result in a purchase.
Bounce Rate The rate at which sessions end with only one page view.
Percent of Sessions The percent of sessions that fall in and out of the Conversion Zone.
Percent of Conversions The percent of conversions that fall in and out of the Conversion Zone.

Conversion Zone Analysis Graph

Use the drop-downs to compare metrics in the graph. The scale for the metric in the right drop-down appears on the right side of the graph.

The following options are available:


Sessions Displays a bar graph where each bar represents the total sessions that fell within a range of average page load times.
Conversions Displays a bar graph where each bar represents the total conversions that fell within a range of average page load times.
Conversion Rate Displays a line graph showing the conversion rate for each average page load time.
Bounce Rate Displays a line graph showing the bounce rate for each average page load time.

Optimization Comparison

Session Breakout Displays a bar graph showing the percent of sessions that were optimized and unoptimized for each range of average page load times.
Conversion Breakout Displays a bar graph showing the percent of conversions for optimized and unoptimized conversions for each range of average page load times.
Conversion Rate Breakout Displays a line graph showing the optimized and unoptimized conversion rates for each page load time.
Bounce Rate Breakout Displays a line graph showing the optimized and unoptimized bounce rates for each page load time.
Yottaa's Impact Displays a line graph showing the percent difference in page load time for optimized and unoptimized traffic across page load times.


Cumulative Sessions Displays a bar graph showing the cumulative sessions for each page load time. For example, the 6-7 second bar includes all sessions for page load times up to 7 seconds.
Cumulative Conversions Displays a bar graph showing the cumulative conversions for each range of average page load times. For example, the 6-7 second bar includes the percent of conversions that occurred for sessions with an average page load time of 0 to 7 seconds.
Cumulative Conversion Rate Shows a line graph of the cumulative conversion rateClosed The rate at which sessions end with shoppers completing a purchase.. So, for example, the point on the bar graph at 6-7 seconds includes the conversion rate for sessions where the average page load time was 0 to 7 seconds.
Cumulative Bounce Rate Shows a line graph of the cumulative bounce rateClosed The rate at which sessions end after only one page view.. So, for example, the point on the bar graph at 6-7 seconds includes the bounce rate for sessions where the average page load time was 0 to 7 seconds.


Performance Impact on Metrics




Site Speed Impact on Conversion Rate

In this graph, each bar represents the conversion rate for sessions that fall within a range of average page load times for the past 14 days. Each bar represents an equal number of sessions. Move the mouse over each bar to see further details.

Site Speed of ConvertersClosed A session that ends with a shopper making a purchase vs. Non-convertersClosed A session that ends without a shopper making a purchase

Shows the average page load time for sessions that included a conversion and sessions that did not.

Site Speed Impact On Conversion and Bounce Rates

Each point on the graph represents sessions within a range of average page load times. Move the mouse over each point to see the conversion and bounce rates for that range. Each time range represents an equal number of sessions.

Data Trends




Trending Metrics

Shows how your site's metrics are changing over time. You can compare page load time, conversion rate, bounce rate, the number of conversions, and the number of sessions. Use the drop-down menus to select metrics and the icon at the top of the page to select the time period.

Device Insights




Sessions by Device

Shows the total number of sessions broken down by device. Move the mouse over the different sections of the pie chart to see how many sessions occurred on a particular device.

Conversions by Device

Shows the total number of conversions broken down by device. Move the mouse over the different sections of the pie chart to see how many conversions happened on a particular device.

Conversion Rate by Device

Shows the conversion rate for each device type.

Bounce Rate by Device

Shows the bounce rate for each device type.

Device Trends

Shows how the number of sessions, conversion rate, and bounce rate on each device has changed over time. Click at the top of the page to change the time period.